This last week I've been attempting to learn some basic VBA skills. Well I developed a couple simple programs for our office and prior to deploying them out to our users I stepped back and thought "How are our users remembering all the codes?" We have nearly 200 lisp codes that our users use throughout the week. I'm sure there are company's out there who have a ton more, who use nothing but Lisp, VBA, ARX, what ever programing language you prefer. But I was interested in how everyone is remembering all these names? Well I asked around to some people who I've talked to from Forums and many say, Toolbars, Toolpalettes, Menu Pulldowns through the CUI, or just writing up some good documentation. I think all of those are great!! But I wanted this time to try a new method. Well I remembered that AutoCAD 2006 introduced the TAB feature at the command line to cycle through command names. Which comes really in handy especially when you forget what a command name is. Or you can remember what the command name starts with but cant remember the rest. Anyways, I decided that this time I would name my codes a little differently. I decided to append "MY" to the beginning of the code. Why you ask? Well by naming my code with MY before anything will allow the users to TAB through ONLY "MY" custom codes (Except MYDOCUMENTSPREFIX). So there is no more cycling through a bunch of Standard commands when you're looking for a company code. Now I'm not saying you need to append MY to every code. But for the specialty codes that aren't used everyday this has come in real handy for our users to quickly find our company codes. So just wanted to share with everyone because this little method might end up working out for your office as well. Some other ideas you could append instead of MY is an abbreviation of your company name? Ours for example, MKMLAYERS, MKMBEAM what ever it is.