Well if you couldn't tell. I failed on trying to update my blog while at AU. So this either means I was really lazy, or I was was having a lot of fun and really busy. So I'm going with option number 2. AU 2005 was a great time!! I leaned soo many new skills, and already this weekend started adopting some of the new learning's, and ready to deploy them to the office Monday morning.
As far as the conference and location. I'm very happy to hear that AU 2006 will be back in Vegas & a new location. The Venetian is a great hotel. The party's & things Disney did at AU was awesome!! The only complaint I had was the poor people who had to shuttle everywhere around the location. Especially the last day they stopped the shuttles way too early. Back and forth to hotels and classes didn't seem much fun. I was lucky enough to have a room at the Dolphin hotel, so started storing bags in my room for friends.
Also if you attended AU this year and didn't know what DWF was. It was pretty much impossible to leave Florida without knowing what DWF was. It was EVERYWHERE!! They were even handing out free copies of DWF Composer to all participants. I talked to the team who worked on the DWF stuff there, and they put a lot of time and effort into it. You guys did a great job!! Here is my favorite pic showing the "DWF BALLS". You couldn't miss them. So make sure you "Connect the Dots"
While at AU,I was lucky enough to speak in 3 DWF classes with a big DWF man Jonathan Knowles. Jonathan spoke in the keynote about Bubble Corp. And was a lot of fun to present with in the DWF classes. Thanks to everyone who attended.
This year at AU I was able to network and meet many people I didn't get to in the past Au's. This year I meet Dwight Lebowski, Michael Beall, Lee Ambrosius, Ellen Finkelstien, Brian Matthews (Creator of DWF), Rick Moore, Robin Capper, Darren Myles, Many DWF team members and soo many more. I cant wait for next year!! Hope to see you there next year!!