Do you have a Laptop and want to use your Custom Toolpalettes from your desktop? Well you can, by simply copying your Toolpalettes .XTP files and place them on your laptops C:Drive. Then add a search file path for your Toolpalettes folder in your ACAD. Then make sure your blocks are found in the ACAD search path and your toolpalettes will insert the correct block even though the block properties in the palette still refer to your desktop locations. As long as blocks can be found from the ACAD support search file paths the blocks will insert correctly.
Specify the Folder where you stored the copied toolpalette XTP files.
Now add a search path to the folder locations where your blocks are located that get inserted from your Toolpalettes.
If you need to EXPORT your tool palettes from your desktop computer you can right click over a tool palette and select CUSTOMIZE. Then select the tool palette you want to export and right click and export.