As I've said before in previous posts, AutoCAD 2006's Dynamic blocks are great!! But sometimes you hit that point where too many Dynamic block properties start to confuse users. Once they use the block for a while they get comfortable with what each grip does. But even though the grips have different looks to them, you know what they do in general. But you don't know what they actually do to the block. So one idea I came up with is to use the DONUT command and create little DONUTS at each of your Dynamic block grips on the DEFPOINTS layer. Then issue the HYPERLINK command and in the "Text to display" type in the explanation of what this Dynamic block grip does. Then close the block editor and hoover over your Dynamic block grip. You should see a little Hyperlink Tool Tip telling you what that Dynamic block grip does.
Note: Many will probably try to add a hyperlink to the Dynamic block grip. Unfortunately this wont work. This would of been a really easy way to get tool tips. But we work with what we can get. Hopefully in the future we'll get some help strings. But for now this should help a little bit. Make sure if you include this little trick in your blocks to RE-Specify your selection sets for actions so the DONUTS will move with your block. The FLIP parameter I've noticed works great for tool tips!! The linear grips you need to hoover around a bit to get the tool tip, but still works.
Here is the location to type in Dynamic Block Grip descriptions. Make sure to provide some character in the "Type the File or Web page name" area. Or you wont get the OK box.
Here is the Tool Tip that appears when you go to grip select a Dynamic Block Grip. Unfortunately the CTRl + CLICK to follow link is always displayed.
Here is the DWG to look at. Download Tooltips.dwg