Is there a bug in AutoCAD that just continues to BUG you? I hear this all the time in News Groups, Discussion forums you name it. Well I can tell you, if you have the time, Beta Testing is a great way to help shape the future of Autodesk products and squash those bugs. Beta testing can open up a whole new chapter in your AutoCAD profile. I've meet soo many great people through the program and hope more sign up for AutoCAD 2007 (or what ever its called). I don't think that AutoCAD will ever be completely bug proof, but beta testing is a great way to make sure those bugs are stopped before they are out the door. Not too mention you get to play with new software before its released. This last 2006 beta cycle I was acknowledged on Shaan Hurley's Blog as one of the most active testers. Maybe next year I can give Lee a run for the top seat. The new MyFeedback Portal is very easy to use and give valuable feedback directly to Autodesk and other users. All you need to do is sign up, and you will be notified if accepted for a Beta.